Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Stage 6 - Professional Advice

Despite the continued difficulties that I and others are experiencing with Michael, I’ve heard not a thing from Phillip.  As a result, I decided to seek advice from my professional association who informed me that, in their opinion, my grievance is with the Headteacher, Phillip, for not taking action to protect me from the bullying and harassing behaviour of Michael.  They seem concerned and suggested they speak with Phillip informally as an alternative to taking out a formal grievance which could result in lots of difficulties.  I decided to talk to Phillip again about the advice I’ve received and see him just before a long school holiday.  He promises to take action when we return to school.  He seems to finally understand how serious the situation is.

Lessons learned/What I could have done differently

  • Acted on union advice and begun formal grievance procedures